Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Madonna vs. Deadmau5


Madonna vs. Deadmau5

Ultra Music Festival, the world's premiere electronic music festival, held in Miami's South Beach, served to be more than an alliance of the art.

Madonna is being criticized by Deadmau5 for her welcoming comment to the crowd. She addressed the crowd with "How many people in this crowd have seen Molly?" "Molly" is a term used to refer to MDMA, one of the drug ecstasy's main ingredients.

Deadmau5, in return tweeted:"It's a slap in the face, associating a potentially harmful substance to the work and passion we put in to make art." 

Also facebooking:"Very classy there Madonna." "'HUR DUR HAS ANYONE SEEN MOLLY?' Such a great message for the young music lovers at Ultra."
"I can appreciate Madonna's metoric career, and all good deeds done, but WHAT THE F--- WAS THAT?...That's your big message to Ultra attendees? Hipsterspeak for looking for drugs? F--- off you f---ing IDIOT."
"Quite the f'in philanthropist." 
"Can't smack my head hard enough right now."

Madonna's response was a picture posted on twitter:

"From one mouse to another. I don't support drug use and I never have. I was referring to the song called 'Have you seen Molly?' written by my friend Cedric Gervais who I almost worked with on my album."

Willam Belli- Chow Down @Chik-Fil-A

This has to be the funniest song!!! In defense, of gay rights, many people have stopped eating at Chik-Fil-A after the news that they donated nearly $2 million dollars to anti-gay groups in 2009. Willam Belli, and his friends made this song in response to the drama... Enjoy!


Willam Belli

Willam Belli


She rocks the Jimmy Choo's, the Ver"says" and will tell you flat out what/how it is... but she just won't let go of the one thing we all want to know... WHY WAS SHE ELIMINATED FROM RU PAUL'S DRAG RACE??? As a blogger, I have searched the internet for just a clue of the real truth behind her disqualification and much to my dismay (and millions of others), we're clueless.

From estrogen, to drugs, to sexual misconduct, to communication with the "outside world" during taping, to allegations that he's a she, there is no truth being uttered.

On his/her final episode of RPDR, she was very quiet and threw up off of the stage during the final minutes.

After reading, countless interviews since the episode aired, all I have to say is "I don't care why she was DQ'ed. Get her back next episode."

In another shocking twist, Ru Paul announced on yesterday's episode that one of the contestants that sashayed away, will be brought back. Fingers, legs, arms, and heart crossed that they will bring her back.

Latrice Royale

Latrice Royale

How can I have a blog and not mention the Royale-ity of Celebs? Ms. Latrice Royale, of Ru Paul's Drag Race is the biggest (no pun intended) star on television right now. She brings a breath of fresh air to the show at the same time that she oversees the other drag queens, almost like a mother figure.

Latrice, born in Compton, lives in South Florida. You can take the girl out of Compton, but you can't take the girl out of the boy out of Compton...

This drag superstar is going to be big (again, no pun intended).

Last night on Ru Paul's drag race, she let Phi Phi, the three-faced bitch of all drag queens, have it:

" I looked over at Phi Phi and realized that she is indeed ugly. And i made peace with it" 

You work it mama. You are "sickening". (and that is somehow a good thing)

Angelina Jolie...

Ain't that the truth...

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Preparing to begin shooting for the Disney movie Maleficent, Angelina spoke to Entertainment Weekly:

What’s next for you as an actor? You were in talks to do a Luc Besson film?
I do hope to work with Luc one day, but we haven’t figured out what that is.  The next thing I’m doing is Maleficent for Disney. I start it in June, and it’s a really great script. I’m having a lot of fun. I’ve already got my horns fitted. My kids are very happy.

In this version, Sleeping Beauty is the nemesis instead of the good guy …?
It’s not anti-princess, but it’s the first time they’re looking at this epic woman.
Is it sympathetic to her, or is she a straight-up villain?
It’s both. I hope in the end you see a woman who is capable of being many things, and just because she protects herself and is aggressive, it doesn’t mean she can’t have other [warmer] qualities. You have to figure out the puzzle of what she is.
So there are some redeeming qualities to Maleficent the witch?
It sounds really crazy to say that there will be something that’s good for young girls in this, because it sounds like you’re saying they should be a villain. [Maleficent] is actually a great person. But she’s not perfect. She’sfar from perfect.
There’s a tradition of taking a classic character who is a villain and telling the story from his or her perspective. John Gardner did it with the 1971 novel Grendel, and more recently we got the witch’s story in Gregory Maguire’s Wicked, and the musical it inspired. We like it when the bad guy is deeper than we thought.
In general, it’s a very good message to say, “let’s look at something from the other side.” But then also, what our challenge will be — and the script writer [The Lion King and Alice in Wonderland’s Linda Woolverton] has already cracked it — is not to simplify it, not to just reverse the story but tell a bigger story that doesn’t point the finger [at Princess Aurora] either. It doesn’t flip it.
Since it’s a Disney film, will this version of Maleficent be close to the one we know from their 1959 animated film?
We’re still figuring out the look. We’re experimenting with different things. But the horns are the horns – you can’t deny them. You have to have horns.
Can't wait!

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simspon

Actress, recording artist, tv personality, fashion designer... and mommy-to-be. No offense to pregnant women, but it looks like this lady ate Jessica Simpson!