Saturday, March 24, 2012



MDNA? I'd rather be on MDMA than listen to the new music that Madonna is coming out with...

Don't get me wrong. I loved Madonna all through the 80's & 90's and I pushed myself to like her during the early 21st century, but I need some reinventing to keep me interested. Madonna has always been a chameleon. Always able to transform into what the crowds wanted from her. In the 80's, we were swooned over by her raunchy, material girl persona that kept us interested in what she was going to do next... what law was going to be broken and would she be arrested for it? We were enthralled by her tour videos and the behind the scenes with her dancers and love affairs. In the 90's, we saw another side of Madonna. The whole shabang! When she released her book of pictures called SEX, we knew that she wasn't done with the crave for fame. Ready to reveal it all to the world. Still loved her then.

I went to her Drowned World Tour in 2000 and although I was close enough to see every wrinkle in her skinny old face, I still was wooed by her ability to bring an arena to their feet.

Somewhere between then and now, she got lost in this illusion that people only wanted to hear dance music and that it didn't matter what the lyrics said because people didn't care.

Well, I don't think so, Madge. People are beginning to realize that a beat is a beat and that real music, by real artists, involves talent. Like Adele. Or newer bands like Gotye or FUN.

I'm seeing a change in the music industry. People are looking past the pop artists that are sounding the same all the time and looking more toward new bands with new sounds and amazing vocals.

Madonna's "Gimme all your Luvin" was her first single to flop off the charts like a fish out of water.

It's time to reinvent yourself as either the revived POP QUEEN (which we all know is possible) or a retired Pop Artist (which seems a little more likely).


  1. Replies
    1. You're obviously under 10 and I do not argue with children. I was a child once and understand where you are coming from. You're offended that the mother of the love of your life is being attacked. Take a deep breath and shut up! #soulsecret

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
