Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Willam Belli

Willam Belli


She rocks the Jimmy Choo's, the Ver"says" and will tell you flat out what/how it is... but she just won't let go of the one thing we all want to know... WHY WAS SHE ELIMINATED FROM RU PAUL'S DRAG RACE??? As a blogger, I have searched the internet for just a clue of the real truth behind her disqualification and much to my dismay (and millions of others), we're clueless.

From estrogen, to drugs, to sexual misconduct, to communication with the "outside world" during taping, to allegations that he's a she, there is no truth being uttered.

On his/her final episode of RPDR, she was very quiet and threw up off of the stage during the final minutes.

After reading, countless interviews since the episode aired, all I have to say is "I don't care why she was DQ'ed. Get her back next episode."

In another shocking twist, Ru Paul announced on yesterday's episode that one of the contestants that sashayed away, will be brought back. Fingers, legs, arms, and heart crossed that they will bring her back.

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