Saturday, March 24, 2012

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston

With all the controversy surrounding the death of this superstar, people are failing to cite her accomplishments and celebrate the life of a beautiful woman, mother and icon.

I, as most people were, was hoping that the autopsy showed that there was nothing in Mrs. Houston's body to indicate that drugs were a part of her death. However, even so, this was a troubled woman who with everywhere and everyone to turn to, but no one that could help.

It's sad to know that the people we admire from a far, we cannot reach. What was missing from her life, that made her choose the choices she did? Was it feeling that she peaked in her career and was spiraling downward? Was it a change in the music industry that no longer is based on talent, but gossip and controversy? Whatever the case was, we need to celebrate her life and not judge her based on how it ended.

RIP Whitney. We will always love you.

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