Saturday, March 24, 2012

That woman's a man, baby!

Wendy Williams
As a transvestite/transgender/post op-transexual, or whatever the truth may be, she should embrace the self-confidence that comes from being herself. 

There is no reason to hide your big hands behind your wigs, adopting children, surgeries, overly-sculpted boobs and ranting behavior. Any woman that has a mouth like Wendy is a man. A gay man. The closest thing to "broad" about you is your shoulders. 

The secret may appear safe to her and the other straight women who watch her show, but to any gay man/woman, the truth is obvious.

Some people have made allegations that Wendy's real name is Wendell and that she is a man. I would like someone to ask him to his face...

If someone has enough courage to ask you a question seriously, then you should be brave enough to answer truthfully.

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